Divine Liturgy Service Book (Slavonic-English Parallel Text)
The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
This convenient pocket size book contains the necessary texts for the celebration of the liturgy of St John Chrysostom by the priest and deacon, interpolated with comprehensive rubrical directions. This book can also be used for following the services by the laity. Texts sung by the choir are also shown. The parallel format gives the Church Slavonic texts on the left page and the English on the right. The book includes the proskomedia, daily and festal dismissals, thanksgiving prayers, petitions for the sick, for travellers, etc. Printed with red and black ink. Includes two marking ribbons.
- Hardback
- 300 pages
Table of Contents
The Proskomedia
The Divine Liturgy
Prayers of Thanksgiving After Communion
Festal and Daily Dismissals
On the Nativity of Christ
On the Circumcision
On Theophany
On the Meeting of the Lord
On Transfiguration
On Palm Sunday
On the same Sunday in the evening
On Great Thursday
At Matins of Holy Friday (the Passion Gospels)
On Holy and Great Friday
On the Sunday of Pascha and during Bright Week
On Ascension
On Pentecost Sunday
On the same Sunday in the evening
On Sunday evening and Monday morning
On Monday evening and Tuesday morning
On Tuesday and Thursday evenings
and Wednesday and Friday mornings
On Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings
On Friday evenings and Saturday morning
At the holy Liturgy through all the week…
At Compline, Midnight Office and First Hour
At Sundays except Midnight Office and Hours
Various Petitions and Thanksgiving